Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Should schools start later in the morning?

At Lake Forest High School, school starts at 7:50am. There was discussion for the day to start a little bit later, and that discussion actually changed the schedule for the fall of 2016. In my opinion, I wish they changed the time 3 years ago... when I was a freshman! The purpose of starting later in the morning is to improve physical and mental success in school and their life.

In more than 40 states, at least 75 percent of public schools start earlier than 8:30 a.m. If times were a little bit later, test scores would go up, grades would go up, tardies would go down and so would absences. Research has shown that students who do not get enough sleep perform worse in a sports game than the kids who get enough sleep. At the adolescence age you need enough sleep in order to grow and perform in school and in after school activities. I do not think there would be one kid in high school especially  opposing this idea. 

This graph shows sleep deprivation before finals when students do not get enough sleep. This is before finals so kids are bound to get less sleep in general, but either way a later start would help with a better performance.

So because so much research has shown that kids and adolescence need more sleep, why have they not changed it? Some myths why school doesn't start later are: it is too expensive to start school later, kids need to be more responsible and prepared for the real world and real jobs, if we start school later kids will go to bed later, later times will keep parents from getting to work. But the real reason is because school transportation and community life adjusts to school schedules, not vise vera.

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