Friday, April 8, 2016

Divorces in America

Divorce Rates Going up in America 

In America today, there are more divorces than there were 50 years ago. Half of my friends parents are divorced, and it seems like a normal thing. In a movie I watched a couple weeks ago, I remember a character saying, "who cares that we're divorced, everyone's divorced." Is it just me or is that sad? 

  • 41 percent of first marriages end in divorce.
  • 60 percent of second marriages end in divorce.
  • 73 percent of third marriages end in divorce.
  • In America, there is one divorce approximately every 36 seconds
  • The average age for couples going through their first divorce is 30 years old.
  • The average length of a marriage that ends in divorce is eight years.
    So why is this happening? Are people just getting less happy? No. There are specific reasons why families in America just can't make it work anymore. In the 1970s it was uncommon because there had to be a specific reason why they needed to end the marriage. As in a crime, domestic violence, if one spouse had a drinking problem, or another necessary reason to break it up. A main reason divorce rates have gone up is because of women in the workforce. In my opinion, women in the workforce is amazing, I love that women have taken action and stepped up in business. But in terms of their husbands, they don't need support from them anymore. There isn't anything holding them back to leave, (as in their husbands money).
     If women are unhappy in their marriage, they would be more comfortable leaving without needing financial support from anyone else but themselves. 

    In my research I also found that divorce has become more socially acceptable, and a part of every day life. And I agree with that, because like I said before, half of my friends parents are divorced. So, are kids affected by it? I would say most of the time, yes. I know kids who have gone down the wrong path because of it, who hate one of their parents because of it, who feel uncomfortable talking about what happened etc.. But I also have friends who live at both parents houses on different weekends and who are completely okay with it. 

    In my opinion I think if the divorce is healthy and the kids are comfortable and okay with their living situations then I think divorce is fine to be increasing.